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Are your products safe, effective and EPA approved?


Yes, yes and yes. We constantly educate ourselves and scour the market for products with advanced technology and cutting-edge formulations. All precautions are followed tirelessly to achieve safety, effectiveness and EPA approval.


Skeeter Guys Mosquito Tick & Flea Spray

What makes you different from competitors?


There are lots of reasons. First off, it's important to know, there are many grades of professional products and formulations available to our industry. To benefit your family and our reputation we will not use sub-par products. Skeeter Guys ONLY use premium products with advanced formulations that have significantly longer lasting residual factors. Our Cutting-edge formulations and products, application strategies, knowledge and customer service X's 10, can't be beat! Click HERE for more information.

How often do you spray and how does it work?


There are two packages available. A five application & an eight application. They are scheduled approximately 21 days apart. For proper targeting, Skeeter Guys professional certified technicians do a thorough yard survey prior to treatment. Sprays are scheduled to interrupt various life cycles to help limit their population. Proven to be the best, we use both backpack foggers which provide  ULV spray in a particle range and hose applications for accurate control.

Why do you use backpack foggers and hose spray applications?


We use both to achieve favorable results. Weather conditions and other factors dictate the most effective application. Our expert technicians will determine proper targeting prior to each treatment.

Do you treat lawns too?


Yes. In the day mosquitoes like to live in the lawn.

Why do some companies spray weekly?


Some companies only do hose applications. This requires more frequent visits due to larger particles. To be most effective and environmentally responsible, we prefer to use both hose sprays and foggers. To solely use one or the other simply, is not the most effective.

Do treatments treat ticks and fleas too?


Yes, and it's included! We want your family safe from as many disease infested bugs as possible.

Are Mosquito and ticks dangerous?


The Centers for Diseases Control and the World Health Organization affirm; not only do the nasty varmints bite they transmit diseases that can sometimes be fatal.

What diseases do mosquitoes and ticks transmit?


Just to name a few; Encephalitis, Heart Worm (pets), Lyme, West Nile Virus, Zika...

For more information go to:  Mosquitoes  Lyme Disease  West Nile Virus  Zika  Heart Worm

How soon after treatment can we use the yard?


When the product dries, about 30 minutes to one-hour. 

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